Oakdale Country Club
Oakdale Country Club
Maine's 9 Hole Hidden Gem!

Note: All dates and tournaments are subject to change.
May 10 - May Breakfast Scramble. 9 AM shotgun start. Breakfast 8 am.
May 21 - President Cup Matches. Player sign ups start and end June 1.
May 24 - Couples 3 PM shotgun start. Pot luck dinner.
May 27 - Harry Burns Matches. Player sign ups start and end June 7.
June 13 - White Mountain Seniors. 9 AM shotgun start.
June 14 - Flag Day challenge. Play any time all day.
June 15 - Black Mountain Tournament. 9:30 AM shotgun start.
June 29 - Couples 3 PM shotgun start. Pot luck dinner.
July 4 - 1776 Scramble Which teams goes further in 76 shots.
July 8 - River Valley Chamber 9 AM shotgun start.
July 19 & 20 - Member/Guest. 9 AM start.
July 27 - Couples 3 PM shotgun start. Pot luck dinner.
August 1 - White Mountain Seniors. 9 AM shotgun start.
August 2 - Member/Member 9 AM start.
August 9 - Worthley Pond Tournament. 9 AM shotgun start.
August 23 & 24 - Club Championship. Tee times for both days starting at 8 AM.
August 31 - Couples 3 PM shotgun start. Pot luck dinner.
September 7 - Dirigo Boosters Tournament. 9 AM shotgun start.
September 13 - Men's League Banquet 12PM.
September 14 - Ladies League Banquet 10 AM.
September 21 - Fall Scramble. 1:00 PM shotgun start. Meal after play.
September 28 - Couples Club Championship. 12:30 AM shotgun start. Pot luck dinner.
October 6 - Mill Maintenance Scramble 12:30PM shotgun start. Meal after play.